Purpose, Scope, Context, and Management:  Deuteronomy 10:18 Fund


The purpose of establishing this fund is to help ensure that some of the intangible presence, honor, care, love, and support needs of Marine widows and orphans are met with an ongoing personal touch as encouraged in Holy Scripture.

The following are example ways that TTF may be able to minister to those suffering the loss of a spouse. Your donations to this fund will enable TTF to pursue these types of support.   Each circumstance is unique; these are simply guidelines oriented on a time-phased view of support.

— Immediate:  presence of a close friend (air fare); flowers, cards, meals

— In Support  of Memorial / Funeral:  presence of TTF leadership (air fare), meals, etc.

— Near Term: child care, school transition, cleaning support, cards, etc.

— 1st Year:  close friend visit (air fare), keepsake gift, birthday presents, cards, etc.

— Long Term: close friend visit (air fare), cards, assist children education financing, etc.



 While Tun Tavern Fellowship (TTF) is clearly NOT a church, we believe there is an important role for TTF in this widow & orphans support arena.  Many military members and their spouses do not have a “deep-roots” home church due to changing duty stations every couple of years.   Additionally, the “home church” at time/location of loss of a loved one will not likely be the widow’s home church after funeral, final move, etc. This “military nomad” status encourages the TTF ministry, which aspires to develop and maintain career long relationships in Christ, to help fill a perceived void here for those who have been active members of the TTF Network.

— While survivor benefits might be substantial and very helpful in many cases, they largely are provided with a focus of meeting the basic physical needs of the family. The TTF Deut 10:18 Fund is intended to primarily address non-physical needs of the widow and the family.



 A deep study in the concept of “Jars of Clay” would help reveal how friends in Christ can help handle a broken heart in our midst. What happens when we are required to deal with a crack? How do we  understand what God is “up to” and face it in power, love, and a sound mind? We should be able to help those near to us handle similar cracks. The bigger and more violent the crack, the greater His glory. His grace alone is sufficient to mend “a broken heart”.

Holy Scripture & Widows:  We are instructed in God’s Word to seek to:

  • honor widows
  • not take advantage of them
  • visit in time of need (James 1:27)
  • open hands to them (generosity in support / meeting needs)
  • ensure justice for them
  • encourage children and family to take care of their own (mother / widow)



This fund will be managed in accordance with IRS tax regulations that require TTF to maintain full control and administration of these donated funds and ultimate discretion as to their use. 100% of donated funds will go to widow support initiatives such as outlined in examples above.
From Kimberly Kuo article, “…single parenting is lonely, exhausting, and isolating. Orphaned kids are more needy than most, and that need doesn’t expire. Yes, God is their heavenly Father, but they also need the hands and feet of the church.
